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My Drain Is Blocked, What Should I Do?

My Drain Is Blocked, What Should I Do?

Dealing with drain blockages can be a tempting Diy project, but realising the importance of knowing how to deal with it early and professionally can help you avoid potential issues in the long run. This article will discuss the signs you should look out for when it comes to a blocked drain. The common reasons for these blockages and the potential consequences of neglecting such problems. You'll also learn how to best address and prevent drain blockages, so you can be confident that you always have a well-functioning drain.

Identifying The Major Symptoms Of A Blocked Drain

Detecting early signs of a clogged drain can prevent more serious complications. Warning signals include unpleasant odours coming from the drain, slower water drainage than usual and unusual gurgling noises when using water or flushing the toilet.

These signs indicate that there is an obstruction hindering the normal flow of water through your pipes, requiring immediate action.

What Are The Main Reasons Behind Blocked Drains?

Blocked drains can stem from various causes such as buildup from foreign objects, food residue, grease, fat, hair and soap scum. Outdoor drains may get obstructed by leaves, twigs and other debris. In kitchens, grease and food particles that solidify or accumulate over time are often to blame.

In bathrooms, the combination of hair and soap can create clogs that block the flow of water. If you ignore a clogged drain, it can cause various problems that affect the health and safety of your home.

Stagnant water can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria like E. Coli and Salmonella, leading to infections. Blocked drains may result in water or sewage backing up into your home, causing unpleasant smells, potential damage to your property and an unhealthy environment.

Additionally, the pressure from blocked drains can strain your plumbing system, increasing the risk of leaks or pipe bursts.

blocked drain

Can A Blocked Drain Cause Water Damage And Flooding?

Clogged drains might lead to water backing up and overflowing, causing water damage inside your property. This could impact floors, walls, furniture and electrical systems. In severe situations, flooding may occur, resulting in significant harm to your home and possessions.

Water damage can also trigger mould and mildew growth, posing health risks for those living there.

A blocked drain could also cause sewage backup, where sewage water flows back into your home instead of being carried away down sewer lines. This not only brings about unpleasant smells but also presents serious health risks due to bacteria and pathogens found in sewage.

Cleaning up after a sewage backup can be costly and might require a full plumbing team to ensure proper sanitation of the area.

Standing water in clogged drains can draw pests like rodents, insects and other critters.

Dealing with these unwanted pests can lead to additional harm to your property as they tend to gnaw on wires, insulation and various construction materials. They may also carry diseases that can endanger the health of both yourself and your pets.

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How Badly Will My Property Be Affected By A Drain That Is Blocked?

While simple blockages can sometimes be resolved through do-it-yourself methods, we do not recommend it; see here why. More severe or recurrent blockages should be dealt with by professional plumbers. They possess the necessary skills and tools to identify the root cause of the blockage.

It's essential to contact a professional local plumber when dealing with a blocked drain due to the challenges involved in diagnosing and resolving the problem properly. Experienced plumbers have the necessary expertise, tools and experience to identify the root cause of the blockage and provide a lasting solution.

These professionals can also inspect your plumbing system thoroughly to prevent future problems. Trying to fix a clogged drain without proper knowledge could lead to further damage, more expensive repairs and potential health hazards.

Our team of professional plumbers have got you covered when it comes to making sure your plumbing system functions effectively and complies with local building codes and regulations.

We can also offer useful advice on preventing future blockages, such as installing drain guards or properly disposing of grease and food waste.

Seek Professional Help For Blocked Drain Repairs Today!

Dealing with a blocked drain can be frustrating, and oftentimes it becomes necessary to contact your local plumber.

If your attempts to clear the blockage have been unsuccessful yourself or if you notice recurring blockages or slow drainage in multiple drains, it's time to call in the experts. Unpleasant odours, gurgling sounds, persistent leaks, or temporary relief followed by recurrence are all signs that you need professional assistance.

At GRH Plumbing Group, our experienced and licensed plumbers can accurately diagnose and resolve the underlying issues, and provide long-term solutions to your blocked drain problems.

Don't let blocked drains disrupt your life – contact our team for reliable and efficient blocked drain repair services.